Visual communication
The emphasis on the typographic education of its students has always been a defining feature of the superior school for visual communication ProDiseño, of which Romero is a founding member. His skill in harmonizing the written text and its formal vehicles derive from his instruction as a graphic designer (1989-1993) and a journalist (1995-2000). Under these lines, a few examples of Romero’s work.

Promotional posters for cultural
and academic events.

Design and calligraphy: Evan Romero. Included
in “Graphis Poster 94” (ISBN: 3-85709-394-3)
Under the wings of renown poster designer Santiago Pol, Romero explored the communicative potential of calligraphy. His poster for a student project against violence was selected for showcasing in the yearbook Graphis Poster 94 and the one he co-created with Pepe Barnola to promote the iii Latin American University Choirs Festival belongs to the permanent collections of the agiand the Museum of Design in Zürich.
Editorial design
Among the many magazines printed by Gruner+Jahr, geo Saison stands out for its discrete graphic sophistication. Under the guidance of Astrid Borowski –a former student of Germany’s first art director, Willy Fleckhaus–, Romero conceived several layouts for this travel monthly. Before that, he worked at tina (Bauer Media Group) and healthy living (Life & Health).

Art direction: Arne Kluge. Photos:
G. Westlich, C. Sonderenger, A. Acquadro

Art direction: Astrid Borowski
Photos: I. Herb

Art direction: Anja Schlack
Photos: R. Hartmann, Stockfood, Superbild

Art direction: Andrea Neuhaus.
Photos: B. Wölkow
Corporate identity
After contributing to consolidate Ateneo de Caracas’ image through the promotion of this cultural complex’s activities and spaces, Romero participated in the conception of corporate identity pieces at Fernando Duprat’s film production company Nexus and David Punchard’s asset management bureau Graform, which counted Autodesk Latin America and Petróleos de Venezuela among its clients.

Art direction: Mario Guanaguanay
Images: Buena Vista, Sony Classics

Art direction: Carlos Cotte
Stills: Nexus

Art direction:
Víctor Pastore/Roselena Troconis